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Kubernetes deployment

This guide will help you set up Capsa in a production environment using Kubernetes.

Are you sure you want to use Kubernetes?

This is not a general guide to setting up or managing Kubernetes. Every cloud provider has a slightly different way of setting up traffic from and to the cluster. Consult your cloud vendor's documentation about specifics and use this guide for the Capsa-specific details.

We advice you to only use Kubernetes for hosting Capsa if you are already running multiple services in Kubernetes in production and feel confident owning the deployed Capsa cluster.


Please make sure you have the following configured:

  • kubectl installed on your machine with the current-context pointing to the cluster you want to deploy to
  • The capsa web stack repository cloned to disk, a tagged release is recommended
  • A private/public keyset as described in Generating Keypair


Create new namespace for Capsa, this guide assumes that the namespace you want to deploy to is capsa.

kubectl create namespace capsa
Self-managed Kubernetes TLS

If you are not relying on a cloud vendor for incoming traffic and want to enable TLS, please install cert-manager.

Change your directory with cd deployment/helm/capsa, which is used for the rest of this guide

Setting environment variables

Run cp values.yaml to copy the values file to a file that can be edited, and is gitignored. Now change the environment variables in to the correct values as described in.

Take proper care of your secrets

Do not commit these changes to your repository, even if the repository is private. Secrets should never be checked into version control.

Database migrations

Before we can run the application, we need to run the database migrations.

Run migrations when updating Capsa

Whenever you are updating Capsa, make sure to also run the database migrations.

Migrate the database to the latest version by running the capsa-server image with the environment variables available nad performing the following command:

./capsa db migrate -d up

This should give log output with database migrated successfully.

You can automate this command to run on each deployment if you prefer.

Allowing outside traffic

Please add a load balancer or ingress that allows outside traffic to access the services on the hostnames specified in your file.

The Capsa Helm Chart is not complete

Due to variances with different cloud vendors, the Helm charts provided do not have an ingress or load balancer configured.

Please add the required resources yourself according to the documentation of your cloud vendor and your setup.

Validate the configuration

To check whether everything is ready for deployment, run

helm lint -f -n capsa

You can further inspect your configuration by running

helm template capsa . -f -n capsa

Apply the configuration

To deploy the Helm chart to Kubernetes, run:

helm install capsa . -n capsa -f

Validate deployment

To see whether the deployment was successful, run:

  • Server: curl https://<apihostname>/v1/status and curl https://<apihostname>/.well-known/jwks.json
  • Web: curl https://<webhostname>/api/status

Create your admin user

You can create the first admin user by running the capsa-server image with the environment variables available and performing the following command:

./capsa user add -e youremail -f FirstName -l LastName -r Admin

If the mailing provider is set up correctly, you will receive a link to set up a password. In the web app you can add additional user accounts and configure titles and environments.

Capsa is installed

Congratulations! Capsa is now set up and running correctly!